Eligibility experiences

Families' experiences applying for public services

When you go to the offices, sometimes it seems like they're putting things up to stop you from getting the services.

- Parent in Fresno County

Eligibility requirements, both during the initial applications and ongoing processes to maintain eligibility, were the most significant frustrations for families in this project. Many of the same themes resonated across focus groups.: across the board, the worst experiences with public services were closely related to the lack of eligibility, difficulty in navigating the application process, and not receiving adequate customer support during the process. 

However, more so than with any other topic, the eligibility experiences shared by families differed from county to county. Fresno County families, especially those living in a rural region and working in the agriculture industry, focused on the difficulty of meeting the documentation requirements to become eligible. In Los Angeles County, many families spoke about poor customer service and how they were treated while applying for services. In San Mateo, many families spoke about not being eligible for services due to low federal income thresholds that don’t take into account the very high cost of living—and somewhat higher incomes—of the Bay Area.

Eligibility challenges faced by families generally fell into four themes:

  • Application barriers/requirements, including all of the documentation required
  • Inaccessibility of agencies or services, such as long waits, inconvenient hours, or work and child care conflicts
  • Income thresholds that are too low
  • Poor customer service and negative interactions with staff


“[To apply for services] they ask for everything in your life, basically.”

Parent in San Mateo County

“[WIC] is pretty easy and simple.”

Parent in San Mateo County

“For us it is difficult to keep track of all of the variables in our lives like our employment because it is constantly changing, but they require it for the services. So our working situation changed but we need to work to qualify for the services....”

Parent in Fresno County

“It’s a lot of work to keep track of our work and all of the necessary documentation to continue to be eligible.”

Parent in Fresno County
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Mary’s story

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Graciela’s story

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Danielle’s story

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Lupita’s story


“I’ve gotten kicked off because I’ve always had a job throughout. If I didn’t report something right on time, they would set appointments, but it would be during my work schedule and I wouldn’t be able to reschedule.”

Parent in Los Angeles County

“If you’re working, the hours are similar, so if you have to drop off something they’re closed by the time you get there.”

Parent in Los Angeles County

“It’s hard to get a hold of a live person. When you call them, you’re on hold for an hour just to get a hold of a live person, and it makes you want to hang up.”

Parent in San Mateo County
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Mary’s story

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Cassie’s story

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Martha’s story

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Graciela’s story

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Lupita’s story


“Who can survive with the income you qualify for?”

Parent in San Mateo County

“How can you survive making that? Here? That’s impossible, maybe somewhere else.”

Parent in San Mateo County

“You have to make minimum wage to qualify for anything and you cannot claim anything because if you claim one person, you’re out.”

Parent in San Mateo County

“They look into how much you earn but they don’t evaluate your income appropriately because they don’t ask you how much you pay in rent. Right now families live bunched up in order to be able to pay the rent. They should be conscientious of that.”

Parent in San Mateo County
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Martha’s story

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Francisco’s story

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Danielle’s CalFresh story

Customer Service

"It depends on the person who assists you, if they’re not in a good mood, then you will not qualify."

Parent in San Mateo County

“I felt like the worker thought I was trying to run game on her and get the money to do something else.”

Parent in Los Angeles County

“It feels like you’re asking them—the workers directly—for the services.”

Parent in San Mateo County

“They think that because you’re going to request a service that they can treat you poorly.”

Parent in Fresno County

“People there, the workers, they are rude. They’re short. They don’t care about your personal situation, they’re just there to do their jobs.”

Parent in Los Angeles County

“It kind of felt like she thought I was trying to get more means than I was [qualified for]...I’m not trying to get ahead on you guys.”

Parent in Los Angeles County
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Graciela’s story

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Lupita’s story